Carsten Wächter (born 1967) is a Boeing 747 flight captain and has been instructing pilots of large commercial jet airplanes (Airbus, Boeing) for many years. In doing so, special emphasis is placed on training and developing personal skills and and behavior towards decision making under time pressure and the aspect of risk management. He is an accredited expert for the development of human factors programs in aviation and other high risk industries.
As managing director of InterPersonis, Carsten's consultancy regarding risk management, introduction of fault-tolerant systems and/or associated training programs is valued by large enterprises within various branches of trade.

Daniel Schwalbe (born 1976) is an Airbus A320 flight captain and a graduate engineer. He has many years of experience in different positions in flight operations management of an internationally renown airline. In addition to that, he coaches pilots in human factors skills.
Within InterPersonis, Daniel develops specific training programs for personnel accountable of operations in high risk environments as well as training executives in communication, risk management and decision making under time pressure.

Jonas Merkler (born 1977) is a Boeing MD11 flight captain and M.Sc. with more than 20 years of operational experience in aviation as well as more than 15 years of management experience with emphasis on training, operations and project management.
Within InterPersonis Mr. Merkler is exceptionally skilled in analyzing teams and assessing their business processes incorporating the unique challenges of their relevant operations. Having been responsible for the introduction of new technology and setting up operations in a joint-venture environment, Jonas Merkler is an expert in designing suitable processes focussed on robustness and effective implementation.

Dr. Neuhaus is a board certified anesthesiologist and emergency physician at a leading European University Medical Center. His research focus includes safety management and team training in high risk environments.
Since 2014 he has been Director of the local Anesthesia and Emergency Medicine Simulation center. He has authored over 30 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters and is a regular speaker at international conferences.
Within InterPersonis Dr. Neuhaus is committed to enhance clients’ knowledge and understanding of recent developments in Human Factors and Safety Science using a combination of domain knowledge, didactic experience and simulation platforms. Instead of merely relying on behavioral training, he is focused on helping clients in developing and changing their safety culture with the goal of sustainability and client autonomy.

Frank Dunz (born 1969), is training captain on Airbus A340 and MBA with broad experience in airline management. In his career he worked in different positions and companies, i.e. as chief pilot for one of Germany’s biggest airlines.
For many years he is training pilots of large passenger aircraft. For InterPersonis he is not only working as trainer but also as expert for optimizing operational processes. He is specialist for the introduction of Human Factor Training as well as for Change Management.

Tim Würfel (born 1966) is an Airbus A320 flight captain for a major German airline. By working for different airlines and being the head of the German pilots association for many years he gained exceptional broad experience in flight safety, negotiating and leadership.
For InterPersonis Tim Würfel is developing training programs and giving lectures especially about leadership and decision making.

is anaesthesiologist and an emergency physician who has worked in maximum care clinics. She has broad experience in auditing hospitals to check quality management systems. She also is a certified risk manager. Dr. Wächter has studied psychology with main focus on human factors psychology and work and organizational psychology.

Michael Wendt (born 1968) is an Airbus A320 flight captain and has been training pilots of large passenger Aircraft (Boeing and Airbus) for many years. Performing maintenance test flights after major maintenance events is also part of his flying scope. In the past, he was part of a team operating the historical aircraft Junkers JU 52.
Being trained as accident investigator, Michael Wendt is analyzing accidents and incidents. Presenting findings and conclusions in workshops and seminars is part of his broad experience.

Marc Dencker (born 1967) is a Boeing 747 flight captain, a graduate engineer and industrial management assistent. Flying for different airlines and 8 years being the chairman of a sports club helped to get broad experience with local politics, associations and honory posts. Participation in the InterPersonis event "NetSail" was his starting point for coaching and human factors training.

Sigurd Behrens (born 1968) is flight captain on Airbus A330/A340. Besides being a trainer (Boeing and Airbus) he has gained broad management experience in different positions, i.e. as Flight Safety Officer, within the Fleet Management and as Accident and Incident Investigator. He is a lecturer at Lufthansa School of Business.
Besides aviation his second passion is wind surfing.

Stefan Sauer (born 1976) is an A320 training captain with over 20 years of experience on Boeing and Airbus aircraft. He is an expert for the development of computer based training programs (CBTs), he had been writing syllabi for the simulator training and he is a certified performance engineer. Moreover he is qualified to perform maintenance check flights.

Markus Jäger (born 1968) is a Training Captain Airbus A330/340/350 and a graduated engineer for aero- and astronautics. In addition to training pilots of large passenger aircraft he took over different management positions in the area of Risk- and Safety Management of a large german airline, e.g. Flight Safety Officer, Head of Flight Data Analysis, Expert for Accident and Incident Investigations. He is speaker for Pilot Advanced Training and a Human Factor Specialist. His second passion in his life is mountaineering and skiing.